Tuesday, January 5, 2010

double-hander progress

i did some work on my new double-hander handplane yesterday. I wasn't really happy about how i cut the nose before, but after some hard scraping, shaving, shaping and sanding i like it a lot better. Now some more sanding and it is ready for paint!

Here are some pics:

handgrip glued and clamped

the bottom, a round hull-nose running into a channel behind the handgrip-hole

side view of the nose. i see now that apart from the nose you can see how FULL my workspace is (boards, paintings, pieces of wood). I will clear some stuff out this year, promised :)

another nose side view. you can see here clearly that the rond nose is quite a bit higer/deeper than the channel. The idea behind that is to guide the water flow under/around the handgrip hole so that the waterflow jumps off the nose and hits the board again just behind the hole (i hope this is english). We'll see if that works soon.

view of the nosebottom

view of the entire bottom

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