Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Visit

i feel
there is unrest in the room
and i wake up
try to ease the space and
make it all quiet again
but there is a massive
unliftable energy
and then i see them
three monsters
standing with us in that
tiny room
i have seen them before
we don't mean no harm
he says
didn't want to interrupt
just stopping by
just visiting
showing them what it is like
you wake up the kids
i say
would you mind moving on for now?
no worries
he says and
off they go
the heaviness lifts and
stillness returns
sleep well
we'll be in touch

a visit artwork

1 comment:

Belinda said...

ze hadden wel ogen en een mondje en ze keken een beetje boos.

click to enter++++++

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