Friday, December 11, 2009

Skarks and FLowermonsters

Andrew Kidman has a great post up on his blog about surfing alone and thinking about sharks. I do both things frequently, so i liked it a lot :D

This phrase stuk in my mind so i had to do something with it:

"From the corner of my eye I saw this shape coming from below straight up at me, as it rose towards me I could see it’s mouth begin to open, I didn't have time to react and remained still. At about two feet it turned away from me and disappeared. This all happened in the blink of an eye."

markerdrawing on a tiny leftover bit of ply:

and some doodle i made somewhere during the day as well:

1 comment:

Mike C said...

i like monsters too, sharks not so much, hi from slopgroveller, tahnks for the feedback on my blog, micro*

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