Sunday, December 13, 2009

Two Headed Monster

I hold my handboard in my right arm, so for me it's easiest going right when bodysurfing. My leash is on my right wrist as well. It feels strange going left with my handboard on my right hand, so it got me thinking. After some time i decided to make double handplanes, one for each hand. So when going right i use the one in my right hand, and when going left i use the one in my left hand.

When i remembered this clip i knew it for sure: i had to make some!! They seem to work great and the waves he surfs are what i have here most of the time. Is this guy hardcore or what? I get me pumped to go to the beach in winter more often myself!

They double as hand paddles for freestyle stroking out to the line up and for catching waves as well. I roughnecked a quick pair as a first version for testing. I'm really stoked about these double blades and hopefully i can get 'm in the water next weekend! Here are some pics:

after oiling:


mylifeinwater said...

Hi Eef,

I love the "Two Headed Monster" & Bat Stencil handboards. Good Job!

How have they gone?



Eef said...

Hello Charl!

i tested the two-headed monster yesterday and the work great: just like you have much bigger hands :D

They seem to swim and plane nicely!


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The Monsterboards Movie by Matthew McGregor-Mento and Eef

The Monsterboards Movie by Matthew McGregor-Mento and Eef
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