Thursday, December 31, 2009

weapon of mass destruction

I spent most of today installing a ventilator in my bathroom wich was a great thing to do because it needed to be done for such a long time. And finally, on the last day of the year i can get it off my list. moist free bathrooms next year!!

The night befor i got started on a rather large kind of handplane. I made a big channel with an electric router, and since these things are brutal weapons of mass destruction i ended up with something that was rather different as planned. Ah wel, everything happens for a reason :D

behold the carnage:


Sokje said...

Looks good, nice and yellow. =)
Happy new year btw! ^^

walrus said...

double handed plane.. all good! happy new year eff..

click to enter++++++

The Monsterboards Movie by Matthew McGregor-Mento and Eef

The Monsterboards Movie by Matthew McGregor-Mento and Eef
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stuff i read on a daily basis

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T-shirts Europe

T-shirts Europe
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T-shirts USA

T-shirts USA
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